Sunday, December 22
at 8 AM, 9:45 AM and 11:30 AM
Tuesday, December 24
8 AM - 8 PM (every 2 hours)
Here’s what A Mountain Christmas is like online…
We’ve got more holly, more jolly, and the best news ever to celebrate. It’s an experience your entire family will love! You’ll sing along to your favorite Christmas songs, connect in the online chat, and hear a powerful message from Lead Pastor Ben Cachiaras.
Sunday, December 22 at 8 AM, 9:45 AM and 11:30 AM
Tuesday, December 24 at 8 AM - 8 PM (Every 2 hours)
Mountain’s Online Services stream every weekend at MountainCC.Online.Church. Be sure to bookmark this on your computer or mobile device for easy access to stream services next time!
There are many ways to watch Mountain Online. For optimal viewing, we recommend watching on any of the following devices to make the most of your worship experience.
• Desktop Computer
• Laptop Computer
• Tablet
• Smartphone
• Screen mirror/Cast from devices to a Smart TVFor optimal viewing, the Google Chrome browser is recommended. Also, please make sure whatever device you are using is up-to-date.
Note | Not all television browsers support Mountain’s Online Service. For optimal viewing, please cast to your Smart TV from a tablet or smartphone.
To watch on a Smart TV please cast to your television screen from your device.
Not sure how to cast to your Smart TV? Check out this video for a few tips on how to get started.
Online Services are offered every two hours from 8 AM to 8 PM throughout the day on Christmas Eve.

Invite your friends and family to Christmas services!

Christmas Services Online
Be part of a special Christmas Eve service streaming throughout the day online from 8AM-10PM!
Serve this Christmas
Make this a Christmas to remember for friends, family and neighbors.
Hope All Season Long
Connect with Christ more deeply in the days leading up to Christmas with Advent Card Kits available for purchase as well as a podcast experience!